About Us

AJ Stuntz

AJ Stuntz
AJ Heinicke
My name is AJ Stuntz, I'm a 7 year old boy representing the Bay Area.

  • Who is AJ Stuntz? +

    AJ Stuntz is AJ Heinicke, a boy from the Bay Area.
  • How old were you when you first started riding motorcycles? +

    I was 4 years old when I first started riding motorcycles. When I was 5 I got involved in stunt riding because I had no fear and I was always trying to raise the bar because I enjoy riding!
  • How old are you? +

    I am now seven years old.
  • What do your parents think about your talent for stunt riding at such an early age? +

    They both support me as long as I'm safe.
  • Do you have a stunt trainer? +

    Yes I have been training under Jason Pullen Stunts and have been learning a lot from the team.
  • Where would you like to see your stunt riding take you? +

    I would eventually love to become a professional stunt rider.
  • What is the scariest stunt you have performed? +

    When I leap through the flames of fire.
  • What stunt would you like to be able to do? +

    I would like to be able to achieve the 12:00 O'Clock.
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  • Because of AJ's age, please no questions about his exact location, his dating status or anything that might be considered inappropriate.
  • If you are a potential sponsor, please use the sponsor link on the home page for your inquiries.
  • If you have questions about our products or are requesting a refund or want a bulk price, please go to our contact us link on the home page and use the stores email address.

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